ASCM Galicia organises a conference on functional diversity and an inclusive fashion show in collaboration with the students of the Industrial Campus of Ferrol.

Ferrol, 3rd May 2024. Under the name of MODA-B, the Sociocultural Association ASCM Galicia organises, on the 8th and 9th of May, in the Industrial Campus of Ferrol, a conference on functional diversity and a parade of inclusive fashion in collaboration with a group of students of the Degree in Industrial Fashion Management and the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development, degrees that are taught in the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation and in the University School of Industrial Design (EUDI) of the University of A Coruña, respectively.

This initiative, which aims to raise awareness of society as a whole of the need for fashion adaptation derived from the psychomotor circumstances of people with functional diversity, also involves the students of the Aesthetics and Beauty and the Hairdressing and Cosmetics medium cycle of the Ricardo Carvalho Calero Secondary School in Ferrol, a Asociación Cáritas Diocesana Mondoñedo-Ferrol e a Asociación de Fibromialxia e Fatiga Crónica (Affinor), as well as several establishments or fashion brands such as Free Form Style, Koke’s, Kenia, Charamela, Wabes or Savalé.

The president of the ASCM Galicia Association, Paula Gárate, and the coordinator of the Degree in Industrial Fashion Management, Manuel Escourido, professor at the University of A Coruña, were in charge of supervising both the organisation of the conference on functional diversity and the inclusive fashion show. As far as the conference is concerned, it will take place on Wednesday the 8th of May, starting at 16:00 hours, in the Concepción Arenal Assembly Hall on the Industrial Campus of Ferrol. The first intervention will be given by Aitana Rodríguez, a student of the Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda. Also participating will be the users of ASCM Galicia and Affinor, Gonzalo Sueiras and María Elena López, who will share their experiences as consumers of adapted fashion.

On the other hand, the teacher of the IES Ricardo Carvahlo Calero de Ferrol, Lucía Formoso, will delve into the usefulness of corrective make-up and the camouflage of imperfections, and the dermatologist of the Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ferrol (CHUF), Benigno Monteagudo, on the hygiene and care of the skin from a health point of view. This will be followed by a talk by Fátima Santalla, lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry at the University of A Coruña and member podiatrist, who will explain in detail the adaptation needs of footwear for people with reduced mobility. The last speech of the day will be given by Marina Vergés, founding partner of the first inclusive fashion brand in Spain, Free Form Style.

The following day, on Thursday 9 May, at 18:00 hours, will take place, in the square of the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation of the Industrial Campus of Ferrol, the universal fashion show ‘Beautiful – Yet’ in which will participate people who are users of the Sociocultural Association ASCM Galicia.


From left to right, the president of the Sociocultural Association ASCM, Paula Gárate; the coordinator of the Degree in Industrial Fashion Management, Manuel Escourido; and the students of the same degree, Ailin Lecea and Alejandra Varela, from the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation of the Industrial Campus of Ferrol. The work team of the University of A Coruña also includes the students of the degree in Industrial Fashion Management, Aitana Rodríguez, Alba Morán, Candela Giz, Clara Souto, Lucía Sánchez, Nerea Francos, Noemi González and Sofía Muíños, as well as the student of the degree in Industrial Design and Product Development, Natalia Somoza.
From left to right, the president of the Sociocultural Association ASCM, Paula Gárate; the coordinator of the Degree in Industrial Fashion Management, Manuel Escourido; and the students of the same degree, Ailin Lecea and Alejandra Varela, from the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation of the Industrial Campus of Ferrol. The work team of the University of A Coruña also includes the students of the degree in Industrial Fashion Management, Aitana Rodríguez, Alba Morán, Candela Giz, Clara Souto, Lucía Sánchez, Nerea Francos, Noemi González and Sofía Muíños, as well as the student of the degree in Industrial Design and Product Development, Natalia Somoza.