The Ferrol Industrial Campus organises its third Open Doors Day on Friday 5th April

Ferrol, 5th of March 2024. The Industrial Campus of Ferrol and the Student Services of the University of A Coruña are organising their third Open Doors Day on the 5th of April, aimed at high school and higher vocational training students, following the success of both the first and second editions, which were attended by over 400 and 600 students respectively. The morning session, from 09:30 to 13:45, will be reserved for schools and colleges, while the afternoon session, from 16:00 to 20:00, will be aimed at a more family-oriented audience. The participating students will be able to choose between three possible itineraries: Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences + Arts and Humanities or Engineering.

As in previous editions, students who opt for the Health Sciences pathway will go to the Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry, where the Degree in Nursing and Podiatry is taught. On the other hand, students who choose the itinerary of Social and Legal Sciences + Arts and Humanities will visit, firstly, the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation, where the Degree in Industrial Management of Fashion and the Degree in Digital Management of Information and Documentation are taught. Since the 2022/23 academic year, the centre has been offering a new degree, launched in collaboration with the University of Vigo (UVigo), the Degree in International Relations. Like the Degree in Industrial Management of Fashion, this degree requires an accreditation of level B1 of English that will be effective at the moment of formalising the enrolment. The itinerary of Social and Legal Sciences + Arts and Humanities also includes a visit to the Faculty of Labour Sciences, where the Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources is taught.

On the other hand, the itinerary of Engineering will take the student to the University School of Industrial Design (EUDI) where the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development is taught. In the same way, the participating students will also go to the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Ferrol (EPEF), where the degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Technology Engineering, Naval and Oceanic Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering and the Simultaneity Programme in Mechanical Engineering and Naval and Oceanic Engineering are taught. For older students, the school offers the Degree in Electrical Engineering, the first dual degree of the Galician University System (SUG), and the open Degree in Industrial Engineering, a degree that allows students to choose the career they will finally study in the second year, Thus opting for the Degree in Mechanical Engineering, in Industrial Technologies, in Electrical Engineering or even for the Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering.

All those interested in participating in the III Open Doors Day of the Ferrol Industrial Campus should send an email with their personal details to or call 881 01 3621 before 14:00 on Friday 22 March. Places are limited and will be filled in strict order of registration.

Registration form – III Open Doors Day of the Industrial Campus of Ferrol

Portal of Studies of the University of A Coruña