The tenth edition of the FIRST LEGO League Galicia will bring together more than 300 young people from all over the region at the Ferrol Industrial Campus on March 2.

Ferrol, February 23 2024.- For the tenth consecutive year, the University of A Coruña is organising the FIRST LEGO League Galicia (FLL Galicia) on Saturday 2 March at the Ferrol Industrial Campus, between 09:00 and 18:00 hours. In this edition, a total of 43 teams (25 in the FLL Challenge category, 16 in FLL Explore and 2 in FLL Discover) and more than 300 young men and women from all over Galicia will participate. The event, coordinated by Professor José Antonio Becerra Permuy, can be followed live on FLL Galicia’s official YouTube channel.

This Friday, in the hall annexed to the Concepción Arenal Assembly Hall on the Ferrol Industrial Campus, this tenth edition was presented by the Vice-Rector of the Ferrol Campus and Social Responsibility, Ana Ares Pernas, the Director General of Entrepreneurship and Employment Support, Margarita Ardao Rodríguez, the Councillor for Education, University and Linguistic Policy of the Ferrol City Council, Patricia Cons Formoso, the Director of the Industrial Campus of the University of A Coruña, Marcos Mundi, and the Director of the Industrial Campus of the University of A Coruña, Marcos Cons Formoso, Margarita Ardao Rodríguez, the councillor for Education, University and Language Policy of the City Council of Ferrol, Patricia Cons Formoso, the director of the Industrial Campus of the University of A Coruña, Marcos Míguez González, and the director of the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Ferrol (EPEF), Vicente Díaz Casás.

In his speech, the coordinator of the FIRST LEGO League Galicia, José Antonio Becerra Permuy, explained that, in this tenth edition, the tournament will take place, for the second consecutive year, at the Industrial Campus of Ferrol. The presentations of the Innovation Projects will take place in the classrooms of the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Ferrol (EPEF) and in the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation, while the Robot Game will be played in the Pavilion of Esteiro and the awards ceremony will take place, in the afternoon, in the Auditorium of Ferrol.

As every year, the Xunta de Galicia, through the Dirección Xeral de Emprendemento e Apoio ao Emprego – dependent on the Consellaría de Promoción do Emprego e Igualdade -, the Deputación Provincial da Coruña and the Concello de Ferrol collaborate in this initiative. In addition, FLL Galicia is sponsored by the company Gabadi SL, the Ilustre Colexio Oficial de Enxeñeñeiros Industriais de Galicia (ICOIIG),the Colexio Profesional de Enxeñaría Informática de Galicia (CPEIG), Gadis, ERROR! Ferrol, PuntoGal, Neodyn and Todo Ocio.

What is FIRST LEGO League?

The FIRST LEGO League is an international programme that challenges young people between the ages of 4 and 16, divided into 3 categories, to solve real-world problems such as recycling, education and renewable energies. Through their resolution, young people enjoy science and technology. At the same time, they learn valuable skills for their professional and personal future, such as teamwork, problem solving and communication.

The FIRST LEGO League challenge in Spain

Since 2022, the Association is the entity that promotes the FIRST LEGO League in Spain in collaboration with 20% of Spanish universities, technology parks and innovation promotion entities as partners. In addition, the initiative is possible thanks to the collaboration of companies and entities that connect participants to STEAM skills and professions.

How does FIRST LEGO League work?

Each season, the FIRST The LEGO League will allow young people to see the wide range of opportunities in the STEAM industry by exploring them as part of the MASTERPIECE, a challenge in which they will learn how science, technology, engineering and mathematics are related to the arts in surprising ways. Its ultimate goal will be to imagine and innovate new ways of creating and communicating art around the world.

The teams have to solve this challenge in three work areas:

  • The Innovation Project. A project that explains and details its innovative solution as an improvement option to the proposed problem.
  • The Robot Game. The design, construction and programming of a LEGO MINDSTORMS Education robot that will have to overcome fun missions in a game board related to the challenge.
  • To integrate theFIRST LEGO League values. While the teams develop the Science Project and the Robot Game, they integrate the FIRST LEGO League values: discovery, innovation, impact, inclusion, collaboration and fun.

How does a team participate in the FIRST LEGO League?

Participants create a team of between 2 and 10 members, from 10 to 16 years old.

For three months they prepare the FIRST LEGO League challenge and organise their own micro FLL in the school or association. Participation in a micro FLL gives access to the FIRST LEGO League Qualifier Tournaments.

The teams selected in the Qualifying Tournaments will reach the FIRST LEGO League GRAND FINAL, which this year will take place on 16th March in the Paraninfo Building and in the Law Faculty of the University of Alicante.

What is FIRST LEGO Explore?

The FIRST LEGO League Explore is an international programme aimed at boys and girls aged 6 to 9, focused on promoting science and technology, to capture the curiosity of the youngest children and direct it towards discovering and improving the world around them.

In teams of 2 to 6 participants, the youngest children design and build a model with LEGO pieces and prepare an illustrative poster of their work. A poster that they present in front of the public attending the FIRST LEGO League Explorer EVENTS that are organised in the qualifying rounds and in the Grand Final.

What is FIRST LEGO Discover?

FIRST Lego League Discover is an introductory programme to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), aimed at boys and girls between 4 and 6 years old. The programme stimulates their natural curiosity, broadening their knowledge and developing new learning habits.

The FIRST LEGO League in Galicia

The University of A Coruña is organising the FIRST LEGO League Galicia for the tenth consecutive year. The tournament will take place on Saturday 2 March at the Ferrol Industrial Campus. The Robot Game (Pavillón de Esteiro) and the awards ceremony (Auditorio de Ferrol) can be followed live on FLL Galicia’s YouTube channel.


FIRST LEGO League Galicia Challenge List

Team Name School
1 Elementals CAPTIOMA GALICIA SL (Ourense)
2 Peña Bots 1 Colexio de Fomento Peñarredonda (A Coruña)
3 Peña Bots 2 Colexio de Fomento Peñarredonda (A Coruña)
4 PATHFINDERS Colexio Internacional Eirís (A Coruña)
5 Fun BOT Colexio de Fomento Las Acacias (Vigo, Pontevedra)
6 Legotrónicas Colexio de Fomento Las Acacias (Vigo, Pontevedra)
7 MonBOT Colexio de Fomento Las Acacias (Vigo, Pontevedra)
8 Recycled Team Colexio de Fomento Las Acacias (Vigo, Pontevedra)
9 Las Acacias BOT Colexio Montecastelo (Vigo, Pontevedra)
10 STEAM Girls Las Acacias Colexio Montecastelo (Vigo, Pontevedra)
11 MontecasteloBOT Colexio Montecastelo (Vigo, Pontevedra)
12 Electrics Makers Lab e-makers Lab (Narón, A Coruña)
13 Montespiño Bot Colexio de Fomento Montespiño (A Coruña)
14 The Beats Colexio de Fomento Montespiño (A Coruña)
15 CTRL+ T IES As Telleiras (Narón, A Coruña)
16 Catabótica IES Catabois (Ferrol, A Coruña)
17 Os robots do pazo IES de Fene (Fene, A Coruña)
18 ROBTIGUEIRA IES de Ortigueira (Ortigueira, A Coruña)
19 MEGA BUILDER TEAM MEGA Riveira (Ribeira, A Coruña)
20 MEGA LEGO POBRA MEGA Riveira (Ribeira, A Coruña)
21 MEGA RIBEIRA SUPER LEGO MEGA Riveira (Ribeira, A Coruña)
22 ROBOT CITY POBRA MEGA Riveira (Ribeira, A Coruña)
23 CIRCUSZ4POS Gazapo Xestión SL (Narón, A Coruña)
24 G4Z4F4NT4SM4S Gazapo Xestión SL (Narón, A Coruña)
25 PINTUZ4POS Gazapo Xestión SL (Narón, A Coruña)

FIRST LEGO League Explore List

Team Name School
1 Amigos de Rubik CEIP Plurilingüe de Castrelos (Cambados, Pontevedra)
1 Dance CEIP Plurilingüe de Castrelos (Cambados, Pontevedra)
2 Lego Malk CEIP Plurilingüe de Castrelos (Cambados, Pontevedra)
3 Os catrelizantes CEIP Plurilingüe de Castrelos (Cambados, Pontevedra)
4 Reino de Lego CEIP Plurilingüe de Castrelos (Cambados, Pontevedra)
5 Rock and Roll CEIP Plurilingüe de Castrelos (Cambados, Pontevedra)
6 Maker Lego Lar Colexio Lar (Mos, Pontevedra)
7 STAR LEGO LAR Colexio Lar (Mos, Pontevedra)
8 LA FÁBRICA MAKER e-makers Lab (Narón, A Coruña)
9 Monbóticas Colexio de Fomento Montespiño (A Coruña)
10 MEGA BUILDER TEAM JR MEGA Riveira (Ribeira, A Coruña)
11 ROBOT CITY POBRA JR MEGA Riveira (Ribeira, A Coruña)
12 ELARTEDELLEGO Gazapo Xestión SL (Narón, A Coruña)
13 POKEBOTS Gazapo Xestión SL (Narón, A Coruña)
14 Legoleiros – (Oleiros, A Coruña)
15 Rolling Legos Sociedade Cooperativa Galega Guillelme Brown (Pereiro de Aguiar, Ourense)

FIRST LEGO League Discover List

Team Name School
1 Champi Makers LAB e-makers Lab (Narón, A Coruña)
2 Lego Monsters Sociedade Cooperativa Galega Guillelme Brown (Pereiro de Aguiar, Ourense)


More information on the RRSS of the FIRST Lego League Galicia:





From left to right, the coordinator of FIRST LEGO League Galicia, José Antonio Becerra Permuy, the director of the Industrial Campus of the University of A Coruña, Marcos Míguez González; the general director of Entrepreneurship and Employment Support, Margarita Ardao Rodríguez; the vice-rector of the Ferrol Campus and Social Responsibility, Ana Ares Pernas; the councillor for Education, University and Linguistic Policy of the City Council of Ferrol, Patricia Cons Formoso; and the director of the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Ferrol (EPEF), Vicente Díaz Casás.
From left to right, the coordinator of FIRST LEGO League Galicia, José Antonio Becerra Permuy, the director of the Industrial Campus of the University of A Coruña, Marcos Míguez González; the general director of Entrepreneurship and Employment Support, Margarita Ardao Rodríguez; the vice-rector of the Ferrol Campus and Social Responsibility, Ana Ares Pernas; the councillor for Education, University and Linguistic Policy of the City Council of Ferrol, Patricia Cons Formoso; and the director of the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Ferrol (EPEF), Vicente Díaz Casás.


Family photo of the representatives of the entities and companies that collaborate in the ninth edition of the FIRST LEGO League Galicia organised by the University of A Coruña through the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Ferrol (EPEF) and the Industrial Campus.
Family photo of the representatives of the entities and companies that collaborate in the ninth edition of the FIRST LEGO League Galicia organised by the University of A Coruña through the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Ferrol (EPEF) and the Industrial Campus.