Tomorrow the Ferrol Industrial Campus will host a conference on offshore wind energy promoted by the Sener group within the framework of the European MarineWind project.

Ferrol, 12th of March 2024. – The mayor of Ferrol City Council, José Manuel Rey Varela; the vice-rector of the Ferrol Campus and Social Responsibility, Ana Ares; and the director of the Industrial Campus of the University of A Coruña, Marcos Míguez; inaugurate tomorrow, Wednesday 13 March, at 10: 00 hours, in the Auditorium Concepción Arenal of the Industrial Campus of Ferrol, the conference “Offshore Wind Energy in Galicia” organised by the Department of Wind Energy Engineering of the Sener Group within the framework of the European MarineWind Project, an initiative promoted by the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) and the University of York in collaboration with six other institutions and organisations from Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Translated with (free version)

The legal framework and the context of offshore wind energy will be the focus of the first round table of the day, with the participation of the head of the Business Development Department of the Sener Group, Raquel Juan; the head of the Port Development and Public Domain Management Department of the Port Authority of Ferrol, Javier Gómez; and the general secretary and head of Organic and Institutional Relations of Comisións Obreiras de Industrial de Galicia, Víctor Ledo. Translated with (free version)

The second panel focused on academia, industry and technology centres. The coordinator of the Training Area of the Centro Tecnolóxico do Mar (CETMAR Foundation) and secretary of the Consortium that promotes the Pact of Capacities in the sector of Marine Renewable Energies, Lucía Fraga; the professor of the Escola Politécnica de Enxeñaría de Ferrol (EPEF) and member of the Centro de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Navais e Industriais (CITENI) do Campus Industrial de Ferrol, Laura Castro, will take part in the event; the director of the Energy division of the Galician Technological Institute (ITG), Santiago Rodríguez; and the Innovation technician of the Association of Metal Industries and Associated Technologies of Galicia (ASIME), María Campos.

The vision and environmental knowledge about offshore wind power will be the focus of the third round table of the day. Miguel Gil, a scientist from the Instituto de Investigacións Mariñas do Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Guillermo Bouza, sales manager of Tecnoambiente’s Galician office, and Javier Cremades, professor at the University of A Coruña and lecturer at the Faculty of Science, will participate.

The fourth and last of the round tables will focus on the impact that offshore wind energy has on the different sectors, especially fishing and tourism. Fabián Ben, Director of Innovation and Projects of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Guilds (CNCP); Oriol Sarmiento, Manager of the Galician Renewable Energy Cluster; and Helena Brage, Director of Business Development at Bluefloat for the Parque Nordés, will take part in the event.

In the afternoon, from 16:00 hours, the more than 40 participants in the “Eólica Mariña en Galicia” conference are expected to visit the Navantia facilities in Ferrol and Fene. To attend as a member of the public you need an invitation, which can be managed by sending an email to